Parents Need to Know
Classical Scholars limits class size to a maximum of 10-15 students. For classes over 12, an assistant teacher may be added. Classical Scholars reserves the right to cancel a class if enrollment is less than 6 students.
Learning in a small classroom setting can be enjoyable and beneficial for students. If students take two consecutive classes, they are welcome to stay in our location and bring lunch or a snack to have with friends.
Classroom Expectations - Assigned Work
Each student will be assigned homework for each class separately. We use Google Classroom or Homeschool Life to assign and grade homework. Your student will need to learn to use this app for communication with teachers and for turning in assignments. If assigned work is to be emailed, it must be received 24 hours before class.
If you have printer problems, we will print for you on occasion but again it must be 24 hours in advance. We leave the house each day by 7:45 am so sending something in the morning is too late.
Any other assigned work will be collected at the beginning of each class. If the student will be absent, please submit work in Google Classroom, drop it off if possible, or bring it the following week. Students are expected to make up any missed work and will need to communicate with the teacher or fellow students to find out what they missed.
Students are expected to complete their work including memorization work. If they do not complete their work, we will speak with them the first time in private and then after the second time, we will let parents know.
Our classes only meet once a week. Attendance is imperative. Please plan to have your child attend each class and only miss when they are truly ill. Missing class puts your child at a disadvantage and creates extra work for teachers. All students will be expected to make up any missed classwork.
Drop Off
Classical Scholars is a drop-off setting. Please touch base with teachers through email or phone. After you turn on Oren, turn left into the first drive to the church and drop students off under the covering. They will enter through the first door. Please do not use the 2nd drive as that is the exit for the driveway.
If you need to wait in your car, please park ONLY in the spaces with lines and of course, no handicapped spaces.
Student drivers will park down in the gravel parking lot.
There is no place in the church for parents to wait or work as we have grown and are now using the entire building. There is an Ingles, with a large seating area and a Starbucks, within a mile and the Mills River library is less than 2 miles away.
Teen Drivers
First and foremost, our teen drivers answer to their parents. We know different families have different guidelines which we respect. We want to support you, the parents.
As far as CS, we love the students and their safety is very important to us. When students are at the church for classes, we take seriously that they are under our supervision.
If a student chooses to leave during lunch or any other time when they would typically be at the church, please have them check in with Eliza or Katie before they leave. This does not include when they are leaving for the day and not returning.
During extracurricular events such as dances or parties, we ask that students who attend stay present at the event. If they no longer want to be at a party, that's fine... they can leave when they wish to go home. However, as the supervising adults, we would appreciate the students participating in the event to which they came and not using it as a time to go adventuring with friends to other places.
Communication is really the key. If students have permission from parents to leave during classes, we simply ask them to check in with a supervising adult before they leave.
We have picnic tables for outdoor dining in good weather and the Atrium inside for cold/rainy weather. Students must clean up after themselves. Students have access to a microwave and refrigerator. Occasionally we will have feasts or special meal events and students may be asked to contribute with cash or food. A week’s notice will be given.
Blue Ridge Christian Church is a beautiful, safe environment surrounded by lovely vistas. We have a playground and a four-square court. We also have Frisbee, footballs, sidewalk chalk, playground balls, etc.
On the first day of school, students will be trained as to the boundaries of the property and where to put away equipment. Students will not be allowed to be outside alone.
Study Hall
If we have agreed that your child will attend a study hall because they have a break between classes, I will show them the designated work area. Before leaving the house, please review with them the work they will accomplish during this study time. Our Study Hall will be monitored by a paid adult for middle school. If your student is assigned a study hall, they will be required to complete work and held accountable for that session. A very nominal fee will be added to your tuition to cover the supervisor. Students will not be allowed to just have a free hour. They must be picked up or in the study hall.
I like to encourage students to enter contests as I think they provide a deadline, a focus, a motivation for revision, and an opportunity for accolades. If you do not want your child to enter a contest, they will still complete the assignment but their work will not be submitted.
Emergency Procedures
Classical Scholars has plans in place for different types of emergencies which might take place during the school day. If you would like further details about these plans please speak with either Eliza Hardin or Katie Dugdale.
There will be an alert and update about classes on the News and Events page of the website